Amaneceres en soledad, en compañía. En blanco y negro. En color.


  1. Mouth-watering men in this post Henri. Thank you so much. We are staying at home as much as possible here in California. I think we will spend the day re-creating all the photos from the last few posts that feature couples.
    Stay safe everyone.

  2. Thank you Bruce for looking the pictures. I try the best of me to include photos of beautiful men that like most of the visitor.

    Yes, please stay at home all the time. Here we are closed at home from one week ago and only is possible to go to the supermarket, pharmacy and bank. We must be safe. So please stay at home. Reading, watching tv, listenting music or looking photos. I'll try to include pictures of couples in my next posts. Take care Bruce, take care Bryn. Kisses my friends. Henri.


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