Algunas parejas. Solitarios. Couples. Alones. Solitaires.


  1. Curieusement, les photos que tu rétiens ont été les dernières que j'ai élu pour la page d'aujourd"hui. Bissous mon ami. Henri.

  2. Well, we started viewing this post last night in bed.... which led to making love and a very sound sleep for both of us. It is nearly 08:30 and we are just getting out of bed. This is a powerful post, Henri.
    The second photo reminds me of Bruce and I on the beach. One time in particular, he was lying face down (naked of course) tanning his back and he fell asleep. I lay down using his butt for a pillow. After about an hour I got up, turned around and starting laughing. His back and the backs of his legs were tanning nicely but his bum was really light. I had a hat on while I was using him for a pillow and his bum didn't get any sun. It was so cute.
    Ah, memories.
    Have a Happy Easter!
    Bryn and Bruce

    1. Bryn, this is a very nice remind. The hat in Bruce's butt is a lovely scene, it makes me smile. And Bruce laughing!. I've never used a kind of pillow like yours, Bryn. Oh my God, what a beautiful pillow!. Thank you Bryn, Bruce for this niceful remind.
      Happy easter to you too. Kisses my friends

    2. Bruce has always had a beautiful butt...and I have always had a penchant for round, manly asses. I just can't keep my hands off of his bum. I just have to squeeze it and give it a little smack. You may as well know that I still use his bum for a pillow from time to time...just the right fit for my neck and just the right firmness. 😎


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