Después del baño.


  1. Hola Henri. Espero que estés bien. Como siempre bonitas y sugerentes fotos. Un abrazo.

    1. Hola Germán, gracias, veo y noto tu apiyo y compañía. Las fotos están ahí, para el fisfrute y uso de toda la gente de bien, como tú. Un fuerte abrazo. Henri.

    2. ....noto tu apoyo.
      ....para el disfrute.
      Ahora sí. Ya puedes leerlo corregido.

  2. Oui Léo: un jolie visage celui de ce jeune garçon. L'esplendeur de la jeunesse s'inspire dans cet jeu e homme. Faites attention: il est facile tomber amoureux de lui. Bisous cher Léo. Henri.

  3. So many tasty looking men.
    After Barh....try During Bath ...that can be fun too.
    We remodelled our house a few years ago and installed a 2 person spa/tub. Bryn talked me into it. Neither of us took many baths before, usually showers. He said it would help soothe the hip and back pain I had after work all the time. Well, it helped with the pain but it also added a while new dimension to our together time. A 2 man tub is so much fun.

    1. You had a good idea. The water in the spas is good for back pain, like yours; and gives you the posibility to be together, quite, warm, in silence if you like, while you sre into the spa.
      Kisses for you and for Bryn. Thank you to be here, with me. Henri.


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