Para tí. For you. Pour toi.


  1. It is hard to believe that we have been away from this blog for nearly 2 weeks. We took my mother back to her own home and arranged for home-care nurses to look after her. She is doing well but still needs a little assistance.

    Last night we drifted off to sleep scrolling through the posts we missed. So many beautiful photos. So many men in love. Each photo of couples kissing, hugging, and in bed wrapped in each other's arms made us thankful for our life together. They also made us thankful for you, Henri. Your blog is an important part of our day. We have missed our visits so much.

    Bryn and Bruce

    1. My always dear friends., each night I've posted the pics in the blog, I did it thinking about you. Probably today, I thought. One, two, three, days. Nothing. I hope nothing happen to them, I thought.
      But many days without comments of you, weren't usual. I thought to send you a mail but I didn't dare. I was thinking about your mother, Bryn, hoping to be better of her fall. You would be probably too busy, that's because I didn't send you a mail.
      Thanks God you come back here today. You have been the best news for me in many days. Bryn, I am very glad your mother stay better, with health care of nurses, at home. And I'm glad too because you are very close to me. I'm almost crying, my friends. You are not lost, you are at home, at your home, and in my home, because that blog is yours. And my home at Madrid is yours too, if one day you decide to come here.
      You made me very happy, Bryn, Bruce, my great friends.
      Kisses, hugs, and thanks a lot !!!.
      Love, Henri.


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