Compañeros. Companions. Compagnons.


  1. Very hot post Henri. Gorgeous, sensuous men.

    Being companions is truly important. Passion and great sex are wonderful, but you still have to enjoy just being together, talking about the day, playing cards, watching TV, going for a walk etc. The secret isn't finding someone you can't live without; it's finding someone you can live with.

    Love, hugs, and kisses.
    Bryn and Bruce

  2. Find someone to live with. I love it. Someone for talking and say nothing, in silence. Go for a walk, read and comment something. Tha's lives together, to live with.
    A lot of kisses, Bruce, Bryn, my dear friends. I always learn a new thing with you. Thank you!.
    Hugs and love. Henri.

  3. Hello Bobby. Couples of nzked men, most of them at the beach. Thaťs the summertime

    Hugs, Booby. Thank you.


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