En tus brazos. In your arms. Dans tes bras.


  1. I know it's morning where you are, Henri; and technically it's morning here (01:17 AM). We are snuggled in bed. Bruce is fast asleep but I am awake. I often go through periods when I can't sleep (just 2 or 3 days). It's best not to worry about it...sleep will come but not if I am anxious. I thought I would visit your blog. This is such a lovely post...and so fitting for me tonight. I can't sleep but here I am perfectly content. My man beside me, his arm around me. I can hear his steady breathing and feel the warmth of his body and smell his cologne...much like the loving couple in photo #9.
    I may manage an hour or two of sleep but if not it doesn't matter. I have him and I have these beautiful photos to muse over.
    Love, hugs, and kisses.

    1. I imagine the tender scene you draw in your comment: lovely, nice image. Your loved Bruce, slept by your side, his arms around you. Let him to sleep. Try to sleep you too. Look at these boys on the post, and then close your eyes and think, not in them, but in Bruce, and remember men's kisses you just looked a moment ago, specially n.9. Give a kiss to Bruce and sleep with him.
      Kisses, hugs, and my love for you!, my dear friends.


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