Juntos. Together. Ensemble.


  1. Two bodies together. Two men together. Yes Michel, hot and some of them, tenders too.
    Thank you my friend, for your comments. Hugs, Henri.

  2. Hot men together.
    Tender men together.
    Passionate men together.
    Happy men together.

    Have you noticed how happy and content these men are?
    I think it's because they are naked together.

    Wishing all the followers of this blog and our host Henri lots of happy naked time this week and always.

    Love hugs and kisses.
    Bryn and Bruce

  3. What a beautiful comment, my dear friends. These men are happy together. And you are very happy after many years together, Bryn, Bruce. Congratulations!!.
    My kisses and hugs with my love, dear friends. Thank you.


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