Apasionados. Passionates. Passionnés.


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  2. I found your blog today and wanted to say what a wonderful blog it is. It is very well put together, with beautiful photos of men loving men. It is erotic but tasteful at the same time. Thank you Henri.

    1. Phil, sorry don't answer before, I don't know why. I've seen your comment now, answering our great friends Bryn and Bruce. However, iťs better [answer you] late than never.
      And thank you for your kind comment. Hugs and kisses for you. Henri.

  3. This is a lovely post, Henri.
    You can see the passion between these men... tender passion and ardent passion. A true sign of love.

    Welcome Phil. You are so right. Henri always features photos that are tasteful and erotic. None of the photos in this blog are ever vulgar....honest emotion and honest passion are never sordid.

    Love, hugs, and kisses.
    Bryn and Bruce

    1. Thank you my friends. Exactly, passion is a true sign of love. Notice that some of this photos are couples in "black and white" : between white and black men, because I think that for love there is no races.
      Thanks again for your kind and nice comment for Phil, our new and good friend.
      Kisses, hugs, love.

    2. Making love is more about the experience and the emotional connection rather than just the physical enjoyment of sex. These men are making love.

  4. Yes Phil, they are making love because they are in love.
    Thanks and hugs, my friend. Henri.


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