Buenos chicos. Good boys. Bons gars.


  1. To get philosophical for a moment, Henri. I truly believe that we are all born good guys (or good boys if you use that phrase). Malice, and discrimination, and hatred, and even evil are learned behaviors. We learn how to hate as we grow older or experience sadness or disappointment. The most endearing qualities of children are their ability to forgive, their ability to play with anyone, and their complete honesty.

    Love, hugs, and kisses.
    Bryn and Bruce

    1. Why we learn to hate as we get older? Why don't we learn that everybody are the same, at our eyes, and God's eyes?.
      I love this photo with the child in Audrey Hepburn's arms. We have to learn love, not hate, and even learn from children.
      Thank uou very much, Bruce and Bryn. My love for you.


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