14. Buenos amigos. Good friends. Bons amis.



  1. Such an erotic post. There is a phrase in English..."Friends with benefits." Looking at all of these photos it is obvious that there are benefits to these friendships. 😎 Lets face it, for a romance to begin you have to be friends first. We all love our friends...and love can change into something that is even stronger.....more passionate. It is safe to say that all of these couples are friends....but there is more passion evident in some of the photos than others.

    Love, hugs, and kisses
    Bryn and Bruce

    1. For sure, a first to be friends, before being a couple. Friends, fall in love, passion, tender,... everything is in a couple.
      Friends with benefits is a great and inteligent phrase.
      Thank you dear friends, for your comments and for being always here.
      Kisses, love and hugs.


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