10. De la amistad al amor. From friendship to love. De l'amitié à l'amour.



  1. Respuestas
    1. Sweets like the first young couple or the mature with young men. I like these images very much. The couple reading at the coach is so lovely. Friendship and love = tenderness and hot.
      Thank you Mechele.

  2. Wonderful photos!
    Even though I went home with Bruce the first time we met I did fall in love with my best friend. We truly got to know each other before we began living together. He was such a good listener. So much fun to be with when it was just us and when we were with a group. We could be together without leaping into bed. When we did fall into bed I never wanted to slip away before he woke up. Oh yes. I definitely fell in love with my best friend.

    Love, hugs, and kisses.

    1. To fall in love from the first time you met, is wonderful. To know each other before living together is -I think- the best way for a future of a couple.
      I like what you say about you didn't slip away before Bruce woke up: look at him sleeping, in silence, perhaps with smile in his lips: beautiful, wonderful.
      Thank you, dear Bryn, as lovely man as always.
      Kisses, hugs and love for you and Bruce. I hope he is doing well, better day by day.


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